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Review Article

Year: 2019 | Month: June | Volume: 9 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 309-314

Pathya & Apathya in Sandhigata Vata:  A Bird’s Eye View

Dr. Swati Sharma1*, Dr. Gurubasavaraj  Yalgachin2, Dr. Sanjeev Bhagat3

1*Final Year Post Graduate Scholar Department of Swasthavritta, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunathaeshwara College of Ayurveda &Hospital , Hassan , Karnataka ,India.
2Assistant Professor, Department of Swasthavritta, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunathaeshwara College of Ayurveda &Hospital , Hassan , Karnataka ,India.
3Final Year Post Graduate Scholar  Department of Samhita and Siddhanta, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunathaeshwara College of Ayurveda & Hospital , Hassan , Karnataka ,India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Swati Sharma


Introduction: The Human beings are falling prey to various life style disorders, in which the defects in food play a major role. One among such disorder is Sandhigata vata. As this disease is chronic in nature, food, lifestyle and medicine have influence on relieving and aggravating the symptoms of Sandhigata vata. Pathya refers to that which gives relief to the person by the use of diet, regimen and medicine. On the contrary, Apathya aggravates the disease. The Pathya and Apathya are effective tools in Ayurveda for diagnosis as well as management of diseases. These same factors when followed in improper way aggravate the condition of Sandhigata vata. The disease is characterised by various features like Sandhi Shoola (Pain in joint), Sandhi Shotha ( Swelling in joints), Akunchana Prasarana Pravritti Vedana (pain on flexion and extension of the joint) and later Hanti Sandhi (diminution of the movements at joints). Pathya ahara recommended in Sandhigata vata are Godhuma (Wheat), Masha (Blackgram), Raktashali (Redrice), Draksha (Grapes), Badara, (Dry Jujube) Madhuka (Sweet), Ushnajala (Hot water), Shritashita jala (Hot and cold water). Pathyavihara recommended in Sandhigata vata are Atapa Sevana (Sitting in sunlight). Apathya recommending Sandhigata vata are Yava (Barley), Chanaka (Black Chana Gadarbha Dugdha, Shitajala (Cold Water), Naveena Madya (New fermentation), Shushka Mamsa (Dry Meat), Jambu. Apathya Vihara mentioned in Sandhigata vata are Chinta (Tension), Jagarana(Waking late night), Vega Sandharana (Holding of natural urges), Chankramana (Walking ).

Key words: Sandhigata vata, Ahara, Vihara, Pathya, Apathya.

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