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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: December | Volume: 9 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 85-89

Belief about Medicines in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease: A Psychometric Analysis

Mohamed Thayub S1, Rajganesh R2, Deepika S3, Raveena P B2, Abarna Lakshmi R2, Kottorathu Mammen Cherian4

1Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Frontier Lifeline Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
2Department of Pharmacy Practice, C.L.Baid Metha College of Pharmacy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
3Department of Clinical Research, Frontier Lifeline Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
4Department of Cardiology, Frontier Lifeline Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Corresponding Author: Mohamed Thayub S


In chronic disease, the medication is often first choice in the treatment of disease. Professor Robert Horne and his colleagues developed Belief about Medicine Questionnaire (BMQ) as a method for assessing cognitive representations of medication, which was validated for use in patients suffering from common chronic disease. The BMQ consists of an 18-item questionnaire which assess medication belief into two categorises namely General and Specific condition. This Prospective observation study was done to assess the level of Belief about Medicine in cardiac disease patients. Results revealed the mean BMQ Specific Necessity score was 17.61. The statement that generated the highest percentage of agreement was “My medicine prevents my condition from worse” (46.8%). The mean BMQ General Harm was 11.18 .The statements “People who take medicine should stop their treatment for a while every now and then” had highest percentage of strongly disagreement 26.3%. In our study, majority of the patient believed in the necessity of their medicine, more than one fourth of the patient had strong concern about their medicines. As concern increases, belief on overuse and harm of medicine also found to be increased in the patients. Adherence and outcome of therapy may be influenced by these factors, so this should be addressed by proper counselling to patients about medicine.

Key words: Belief about Medicine Questionnaire (BMQ), Cardiovascular Disease, Psychometric Analysis.

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