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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: November | Volume: 9 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 120-125

A Descriptive Study to Assess Knowledge Regarding Danger Signs of Neonatal Illness among Mothers at SGRD Hospital Vallah, Amritsar

Harmeet Kaur1, Mrs. Pooja Joshi2, Mrs Manmeet Kaur3

1M.Sc (N) Student, 2Assistant Professor, 3Associate Professor,
SGRD College of Nursing, Vallah, Amritsar.

Corresponding Author: Harmeet Kaur


The neonatal period (i.e. from 0-28 days of life) is the most critical time for survival of infant. Globally, almost three-quarters of neonatal deaths occur within the first seven day of delivery. Postnatal period has been identified as one of the important periods when information concerning neonatal danger signs is passed on to the mother and this assist the mothers to identify children at risk and seek medical assistance as soon as possible. The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge regarding danger signs of neonatal illness among mothers. A Descriptive study was conducted on 110 mothers in postnatal ward of hospital by purposive sampling technique. Data was collected by using self structured questionnaire. The result of the study revealed that the mean±SD score was 6.20±2.74 for the knowledge among the mothers regarding danger signs of neonatal illness. It was found that half of the mothers that is 61 out of 110 had average knowledge (55.5%) regarding danger signs in neonate illness, 46 respondents had average knowledge and only 1and 2 out of 110 mothers had good and excellent knowledge respectively. There was significant association between the knowledge among mothers regarding danger signs of neonatal illness and educational status of mothers at the level of 0.01 and with source of knowledge regarding health at the level of 0.05. The findings of study conclude that there is need to enhance the knowledge among mothers regarding danger signs of neonatal illness.

Key words: Knowledge of mothers, danger signs.

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