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Review Article

Year: 2019 | Month: November | Volume: 9 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 80-84

Narfarsi (Eczema) in Light of Unani Conception: A Review

Dr. Mohammad Ruman Khan1, Dr. Azizur Rahman2

1Dept.of Amraze jild wa tazeeniyat, NIUM, Bangalore, 560091, India
2Dept.of Mahiyat ul Amraz, NIUM, Bangalore, 560091, India

Corresponding Author: Dr. Mohammad Ruman Khan


Eczema is a typical pattern in skin characterized by erythema, excoriation, exudation, dryness, cracking and pruritus which can be either acute or chronic. In developed countries prevalence of Eczema is estimated to 2-10%. It is presented in both acute and chronic form, usually with severity of sign and symptoms. In Unani system of Medicine it is called Narfarsi means like fire because of severity of signs and symptom the term was given. It is caused by safravi maddaa (bilious matter) is admixed with damvi madda (Sanguineous matter) which occur due to multiple factors like extreme condition of environment, presence of lazeh madda (irritative matter) like chemicals, daily uses materials even clothes, ornaments. Hypersensitivity of skin is key factor for occurrence of the same. It is characterized by itching, soreness, and variable degrees of signs including dryness, erythema, excoriation, exudation, fissuring, hyperkeratosis, lichenification, papulation, scaling and vesiculation. Diagnosis is based on clear sign and symptoms apart from this a clinical diagnostic criteria is used named Hannifin and Rajka’s criteria and also some specific investigations are available for specific type of Eczema. There is detailed management description included no of single herbal and compound herbal formulas as well as Dietotherapy and regimes are mentioned by Unani scholars in their classical literature which are safe and effective in treatment of Narfarsi (Eczema).

Key words: Eczema, Narfarsi, Unani, Herbal, madda

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