International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2021 | Month: January | Volume: 11 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 66-79

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding in Behraich District of Uttar Pradesh, India

Smita Srivastava1, Neelam Chaturvedi2

1Research Scholar and Research Assistant, 2Associate Professor, Department of Home Science (Food and Nutrition), Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan - 304022

Corresponding Author: Smita Srivastava


Background: Adequate nutrition and health care of children is significant for proper growth and development and it is well acknowledged that the period from birth to two years of age is a critical “window  period”  for promotion of optimal growth and development. Optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices are fundamental for survival, health, growth and development of children. Breast milk provides nutritive and immunological protection in infants to ensure health and survival of children. The objective of the study was to analyze and ascertain knowledge and compliance of early initiation of breastfeeding practice of mothers and to find the association with socio-demographic variables.
Methodology: The cross-sectional analytic design was adopted to investigate knowledge and compliance of early initiation of breastfeeding among mothers of children 0-24 months in Behraich districts of Uttar Pradesh. Lactating mothers with the children in the age group 0-24 months were included in the study.
Results and Conclusion: It is found that mother’s knowledge level is average about infant and young child feeding components; about 68.3 % mothers have knowledge on initiation of breast-feeding within an hour of birth while 23.3 % of mothers had initiated the breastfeeding within 6 hours after the birth of child. Majority of the mothers had the knowledge of colostrums and early initiation of breastfeeding but there was a noticeable deficit in the implementation of the knowledge in the frequency of breastfeeding practices.  Further, it was found that majority of mother feed their child as per their demand. None of them was feeding their child in every two hours. Therefore, there is urgent need to address the existing gaps, socio-cultural barriers and misconceptions prevailing in the community and it are essential to take necessary steps taken in helping mothers to fully carry out the responsibilities of nurturing and nourishing the child.

Key words: Colostrums Feeding, Early Initiation of breastfeeding, Infant mortality rate, Pre-lacteal feeds etc.

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