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Review Article

Year: 2019 | Month: December | Volume: 9 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 199-207

Ayurvedic Concept of Cooking Oils in Management of Lifestyle Disorders W.R.T. Taila Varga

Athira K.S1, T.B Tripathy2, Shivakumar3

12nd year PG Scholar, 2HOD and Guide, 3Assistant Professor,
Department of Swasthavritta, Sri DharmasthalaManjunatheswara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka

Corresponding Author: Athira K.S


Non-communicable diseases which kill around 40 million people each year that is around 70% of all the deaths globally. Reason for this is healthy diet and traditional preparations are replaced by high calorie diet along with lack of physical activity. Commonly using cooking oils are Sarshapataila (Mustard oil), Tilataila (Sesame oil), Narikelataila(Coconut oil), BhuchanakaTaila (Ground nut oil), Surya vallitaila (Sunflower oil) etc. Again depends upon composition, processing, origin, dietary supply, living place quality and nutrient composition of cooking oils will change. While choosing taila based on prakruthi of an individual should consider the satmya of the individual to that otherwise leads to satmyavirudha. Proper samyoga and samskara done to the tailas helpful for improve therapeutic efficiency. Matrapramana is an important factor for administration of both ahara and aushadha and it again depends upon the digestive fire. Management of prameha, sthoulya, medoroga, hrudroga, rakthachapa are can be manage by proper administration of cooking oils. Foremost thing in management of lifestyle disoerders are replace saturated and trans fats with unsaturated fatty acids rich in omega-3. Reuse of oil can create free radicals leads to atherosclerosis it increases level of cholesterol and blocking arteries. In cold climate places oils which having low smoking point can be use and for hot climate oils with high smoking point can be use. So habit and place which the person lives also matters for deciding quality of oil.

Key words: Lifestyle diseases-Cooking oils-Prameha-Sthoulya- Hrudroga

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