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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: December | Volume: 9 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 10-14

Morphological Gamut of Various Neoplastic Lesions of Skin

Rupashree S1, Geethalakshmi U2

Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India

Corresponding Author: Geethalakshmi U


Skin cancer constitutes a significant proportion of all neoplasms, constituting less than 1% of all diagnosed cancers in India. The incidence of skin cancer is gradually increasing over last few decades. Neoplasms of skin arise from epidermis, adnexal structures, dermis and neuroendocrine cells. Histological examination gives more information to the clinician thereby facilitating better treatment modalities. They pose a diagnostic challenge and range from a simple benign tumours causing cosmetic concern to premalignant and aggressive malignant tumours. Hence till date, histopathology remains the gold standard in diagnosing any neoplastic lesions of skin. Aim was to study the various histopathological types of skin tumours. This was a retrospective study done over a three year period. Out of all the skin biopsies received, only neoplastic conditions were selected for the study. A total of 121 tumours were considered for the study. Most common age group of presentation was between 60-69 years (21.4 %); youngest being 4years and oldest was 86 years. Slight Male preponderance (51.5%) was observed in the study. Out of 121 cases, 73 were benign neoplasms (60.3%) and malignant neoplasms were seen in 48 cases (39.6%). Among all the skin neoplasms, nonmelanocytotic tumours were frequently seen (78.5%). Out of 121 cases, 118 were of primary skin tumours and only 3 cases were of metastatic skin deposits. The present study highlights that knowledge of histopathologic patterns helps in early diagnosis, prognosis and also to plan an effective management modality.

Key words: Skin tumours, Histopathology

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