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Review Article

Year: 2018 | Month: September | Volume: 8 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 239-242

A Philosophical Study on Fi‘l-i-Jimā’ (The Act of Copulation)

Ansari Abdul Waqas1, Mohammad Zulkifle2, Wasim Ahmad3

1PG Scholar, 2Professor, 3Lecturer,
Dept of kulliyat Umoor-i-Tabiya, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore

Corresponding Author: Ansari Abdul Waqas


Background and Objectives: Fi‘l-i-Jimā‘(the act of copulation) is an act of sexual intercourse by which sexual gratification is achieved by both man and woman. It is facilitated through the action of psychic faculty by producing sexual arousal in males and females. The sexual desire may be produced by five kinds of external senses i.e. touch and tactile sensation, sense of vision, sense of hearing, sense of taste, and sense of olfaction. Among all the pleasures which are perceived by touch and tactile sensations, pleasure of the coitus is the greatest one. This study reveals that how sexual desire is produced in males and females? What kinds of faculties are worked for the act of copulation? This study also explains the mechanism of penile erection. This study gives the basic knowledge and philosophical reasoning about the complex phenomena regarding the act of copulation.
Method: Literature related to the act of copulation, was surveyed from various classical Unani books, journals, periodicals, manuscripts, and online citations from the subject specific websites. Collected material was then analyzed and systematized in comprehensive manner.
Interpretation and Conclusion: Unani system of medicine or Ṭibb has much information regarding the act of copulation. This study furnishes more comprehensive view of the mechanism involved in the process of penile erection. The significance of this study is that it reveals comprehensive work of earlier physicians on the topic of sexual act.

Key words: Coitus; Fil-i-Jima; Penile erection; Unani Medicine.

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