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Case Report

Year: 2018 | Month: May | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 421-427

Hourly Supervised Physiotherapy Treatment and Dynamic Splinting of Elbow Contracture in A 30% Mixed Burn – A Case Report

Dr. Pooja M Akhtar, Dr. Amishi Gupta

V.S.P.M’s College of Physiotherapy, Digdoh Hills, Hingna Road, Nagpur

Corresponding Author: Dr. Amishi Gupta


Background: There is enough evidence on role of Physiotherapy and splinting to prevent contractures in post-burn patients. However, timely intervention and frequent sessions along with splinting helped to achieve functional independence and full ROM in a patient with 900 fixed elbow contracture, in 30% mixed burns.
A 13 years old male was admitted to burn unit having sustained 30% mixed electrical burns over face, bilateral upper limb, left flank of abdomen and bilateral dorsum aspect of foot.  He presented with inability to do all the functional movements of bilateral elbow joints and wrists.
On 3rd post admission day, Physiotherapy treatment was started with relaxed passive movement of elbow and wrist and active movements of shoulder and neck.  Progressive hourly sessions with increased duration and hold time of the end range stretched position were planned. On 6 post admission day, dynamic splint was given. Patient received a total 42 Physiotherapy sessions during the in-patient phase and the patient achieved full ROM of bilateral Elbow joints and was functionally independent.
Conclusion: Frequent, every hourly Physiotherapy sessions in form of passive range of motion, sustained stretch, splinting and strengthening exercises gave excellent results in terms of full range of motion and complete functional independence in a 30% mixed burns with bilateral elbow contractures.

Key words: Splinting, Positioning, Passive movements, elbow Contracture, mixed Burns

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