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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: May | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 169-174

A Comparative Study of Finding the Efficacy of Thrust Manipulation versus Non Thrust Mobilization on Thoracic Spine in Patients with Mechanical Neck Pain

Nityal Kumar Alagingi1, Belle Sharvani Praveen Kumar2

1Lecturer, JSS college of Physiotherapy, Mysuru, Karnataka,
2Lecturer, JSS college of Physiotherapy, Mysuru, Karnataka

Corresponding Author: Nityal Kumar Alagingi


Introduction: Mechanical neck pain has a lifetime prevalence of nearly 50%, estimates suggest that 70% of the population will experience neck pain during their life. Several studies implicate cervical and thoracic spine in causing neck pain. Recent evidence suggests that symptoms of mechanical neck pain can be effectively reduced by using non-thrust mobilisation and thrust manipulation directed to thoracic spine. This study was aimed to find the efficacy of two treatment techniques in reducing symptoms of patients with mechanical neck pain.
Experimental Section: A total of 25 patients were included in this study, later randomised into two groups, Group A received upper thoracic junction manipulation and group B received non thrust mobilisation. Both groups received treatment twice a week for three weeks. Efficacy was assessed by NDI, NPRS at baseline and end of third week.
Results: Both Groups showed significant improvement with in groups but no significance between groups. Thrust manipulation group has immediate pain relief comparing to non thrust
Conclusion: The present study concluded that Both Thrust and non thrust mobilisation are effective in reducing pain and disability.

Key words: Neck pain, thoracic mobilisation, Thoracic manipulation, Disability. (Included Boolean operators “and” “in”).

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