International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: April | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 118-122

Assessment of the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching on Knowledge Regarding ILL Effects of Pesticide While Spraying and Its Protective Measures among Farm Workers in Selected Rural Area

Sandeep Gajanan Kolaskar

Lecturer, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Nursing Institute, Amravati, Maharashtra, India.


Health is a dynamic condition resulting from body’s constant adjustment and adaptation in response to stress and changes in the environment for maintaining homeostasis. A farmer means a person who is working and raising field crops in the field of agriculture especially in villages. He works to grow different crops and might own or work as laborer on land owned by others. Pesticides are substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigation any pest. The pesticides effects on the health of farmers may range from acute and delayed. It may be simple irritation of skin and eyes to more sever effects such as affecting the nervous system. A quasi experimental study was conducted to assess the knowledge of farm workers regarding ill effects of pesticides while spraying and its protective measures. Sixty farmworkers were selected by convenient non-probability sampling technique. Study was conducted in selected village, Akola. The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted using both descriptive and inferential statistics. It was observed that 13.33% of the farm workers had poor knowledge, 71.67% had average knowledge, 15% had good knowledge score and no one had excellent knowledge. Planned teaching was administered to the farmworkers and findings showed that planned teaching was effective in the basis of increased in knowledge score (Post-test mean score 17.41 with SD of ±2.49 higher than pre-test mean score 10.63 with SD of ±3.35) i.e. 13.33% of farm workers had average knowledge, 81.67% of farm workers had good knowledge & 5 % of farm workers had excellent knowledge.

Key words: Knowledge, ill effects, pesticides, protective measures, farmworkers.

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