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Case Report

Year: 2017 | Month: Aug | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 507-515

Effects of Intensive Coordination Training While Walking In Parallel Bars with Visual Feedback in a Case of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type I: A Case Report

Pallavi Sahay, Debashree Roy, Shriya Das, Malika Mondal, Bibhuti Sarkar

National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities (Divynagjan), B.T. Road, Bonhoogly, Kolkata-700090, West Bengal, India.

Corresponding Author: Pallavi Sahay


Background: This study attempts to explore the effect of 3 months long intensive bi-manual coordination training, through visual and auditory bio-feedback, along with concurrent gait training on parallel bars, on the symptoms of ataxia in a 18 year old case of Spinocerebellar ataxia Type-I. The patient was 18 year old female, with complaint of difficulty in walking in a straight line and reaching targets with her hands.
Method: Coordination training in the form of task oriented bimanual reaching activities for training of the upper extremities; along with gait training on parallel bars in front of a mirror was implemented thrice a week, for 3 months. The patient was asked to perform the same activities at home, each day for 1 hour during these 3 months. Primary outcome was assessed by symptom evaluation using “International Cooperative for Ataxia Rating Scale”. Secondary outcome was assessment of mobility, derived from “Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment”. Both outcomes measures showed significant improvement by the end of 3 months intervention.
Conclusion: It may therefore be concluded that “intensive coordination training for upper extremity reaching activities along with balance and gait training on parallel bars supplemented with mirror and verbal feedback” improved symptoms associated with spinocerebellar ataxia.

Key words: Spinocerebellar Ataxia, International Cooperative of Ataxia Rating Scale, Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment, Motor Control Theory, Biomechanical Ankle Platform System board.

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