International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: Aug | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 248-252

Effectiveness of Animated Cartoon as a Distraction Strategy on Level of Pain among Children Undergoing Venipuncture at Selected Hospital

Susan Maharjan1, Bhima Uma Maheswari2, Manju Maharjan3

1Lecturer (Child health Nursing, Lalitpur Nursing Campus),
2Professor (Department of Child Health Nursing, Padmashree Institute of Nursing),
3Research Officer (CREHPA)

Corresponding Author: Susan Maharjan


Background: Venipuncture is an invasive procedure and for children it is generally accompany by fear. Distraction technique is one of the non-pharmacological methods of controlling pain and different distraction techniques have been used to alleviate pain. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of animated cartoon as a distraction strategy on level of pain among children undergoing venipuncture.
Method and Material: Quasi-experimental study was conducted among children of 4-6 years who were undergoing venipuncture in selected hospital. The study comprised of 60 children selected purposively- 30 in each experimental and control group. Animated cartoon was shown along with routine care for the experimental group and only routine care was provided to control group. The post venipuncture pain was assessed by using FLACC scale in both groups.
Results: Finding showed that in post test, majority of the subjects 56.7% in the experimental group had pain score between 4-6 (moderate pain) and 43.3% had score (7-10) severe pain and in control group all children had pain score (7-10) severe pain. With regard to pain in experimental group, post test pain mean±SD was 6.63 ± 0.80. In control group post test pain mean±SD was 9.43±0.62. The findings showed that significantly less pain (p<0.05) felt by the children who viewed animated cartoon during venipuncture than those who did not receive it.
Conclusion: This study concluded that distraction is an effective technique for the children undergoing venipuncture in order to alleviate pain level.

Key words:Animated cartoon, pain, children, FLACC scale.

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