International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: Aug | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 127-131

Effects of Home Based Graduated Aerobic Exercise Programme on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Sedentary Workers

Dr. Vaibhav M. Kapre

Associate Professor, MGM Institute of Physiotherapy, Aurangabad (M.H.)


Background: Peoples today tend to be more sedentary than in past eras for a variety of reasons. Modern technology has replaced many of the physically exerting jobs of the past, and in today’s market, most wage-earners are sitting at a desk for the majority of their work days.
Cardiovascular Diseases(CVD), type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome & cancer are the leader killer in westernized society and are increasing dramatically in developing countriesz.10  Sedentary lifestyle and Obesity are the important lifestyle related public health problems in the world. Despite the positive impact of physical fitness on CVD people become more sedentary in both occupation and leisure time and the burden of the CVD have increased in developing country. It has been observed that sedentary jobs has less physically active in their workplace. Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for CVD.
Objective: To investigate the efficacy of home based graduated aerobic exercise training programme on modifying CVD risk factor in sedentary workers.
Methodology: 40 (Male-24, Female-16, Ages between 30-50 years) Participants from Rajeev Gandhi college & Hospital  account department, Medical record room, Purchase, stores and personnel department who spend multiple hours per day seated for their work. All subjects are defined sedentary from self reported physical activity levels of less than two hours organized physical activity per week. Subject who are physically fit for aerobic exercises selected on the basis of PAR-Q screening. All subjects were evaluated for initial baseline measurements of dependent variables i.e. Resting Heart rate, Systolic blood pressure, Diastolic blood pressure and Body mass Index. Subjects were asked to walk on treadmill using progressive walk test (Modified Bruce Protocol) to volitional fatigue to evaluate Peak heart rate and Time of exhaustion. RPE scale was used for prescription intensity of aerobic exercise at home. On the basis of progressive walk test on treadmill subjects were given exercise program at home for a period of 12 weeks. All the outcomes (parameters) were reassessed at each 4 week interval that is baseline (preintervention) assessment, 4th week assessment, 8th week assessment and 12th week assessment.
Results: For 12th week of assessment, After applying paired ‘t’ test there is highly significant (p<0.01) reduction in resting heart rate, peak heart rate, systolic blood pressure from its baseline value. There is significant (p <0.05) reduction in diastolic blood pressure and body mass index from its baseline value. There is highly significantly improvement (p<0.01) in time to exhaustion from its baseline value.
Conclusion: Our study provides randomized control trial data demonstrating that home based graduated aerobic exercise increases physical activity for healthy individuals and improves exercise capacity with a concomitant cardio-protective benefit.

Key words: Coronary Artery Disease , Physical Activity, Risk Factor, aerobic exercise.

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