International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: May | Volume: 7 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 205-210

Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) Regarding Knowledge on Prevention of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDDs) in Children among Primary School Teachers of Selected School, Bangalore

Bina Rana Khagi1, Dr. Dinesh Selvam2

1Lecturer, Lalitpur Nursing Campus, Nepal
2Professors, Dean of Studies-Medical & Paramedical, Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Education Academy Chennai, India

Corresponding Author: Bina Rana Khagi


Background: In developing countries, IDDs are considered as serious public health problems as it can result into mental retardation, abortion, still birth, growth retardation and goiter. The children in iodine deficient areas have lower intellectual quotient than children who get enough iodized diet.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of self instructional module (SIM) regarding knowledge on prevention of IDDs in children among primary school teachers.
Methods and Material: Pre and post test design was carried out among 60 primary school teachers from four primary schools, who were selected by Non Probability Convenience Sampling technique. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive, paired –t test and chi-square test.
Results: The findings revealed that 80% of the teachers had inadequate and 20% had moderate knowledge before SIM. After the introduction of the SIM, the proportion of teachers with adequate knowledge was 70% and 30% of the teacher showed moderate knowledge. The mean score percentage of knowledge increased from 37.8% to 74.3%, with enhancement in mean score percentage of 36.5%. The post test mean score of knowledge (25.28) was comparably more than the pre test mean (12.85) and it was found to be statistically significant (t-value= 27.98, df= 59) at 0.05 level. Chi-square test revealed that there was statistically significant association between pre-test knowledge score with income (χ2= 8.444, P =<0.05) and location of school (χ2= 7.858, P= <0.05).
Conclusion: The study concluded that SIM was significantly effective in enhancing knowledge of primary school teachers regarding prevention on IDDs in children and can help in preventing the complication of iodine deficiency among children.

Key words: Knowledge; Prevention of iodine deficiency disorders; Primary school teachers.Self instructional module

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