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Case Report

Year: 2017 | Month: April | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 468-473

An Adjunctive Periodontal Surgical Procedure for Advancement of Plastic-Surgically Treated Cleft Lip: A Case Report

Dr. Hoti Lal gupta1, Dr. Shahebaz Qureshi2, Dr. Pradeep Kumar3, Dr. Faizan Sharif2

1Professor & Head of the Department, 2PG Student, 3Reader,
Department of Periodontology & Oral Implantology, Rajasthan Dental College & Hospital, Jaipur.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Shahebaz Qureshi


In oral cavity, frenum is the normal anatomical landmark which attaches the lip and the cheek to the alveolar mucosa, gingiva and the underlying periosteum. The aberrations or abnormalities or deformities in the frenal attachment at times, may pose problems to gingival and periodontal health either due to an interference in the plaque control or due to a muscle pull. In addition to this, an abnormal frenum attachment can cause many problems such as aesthetic, functional problem, localized gingival recession and loss of sulcus depth. Therefore management of aberrant frenum is important. In the present case report the sequelae and management of aberrant frenum has been discussed.

Key words: Aberrant frenum, Frenectomy, Labial frenum.

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