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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: April | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 244-257

Effects of Progressive Strengthening Exercises in Chronic Lateral Epicondylitis

Dr. Sweta Upadhyay1, Dr. YagnaShukla2, Dr. Kaushik Kumar Patel3

1Assistant Professor, Ashok & Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy (ARIP), Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT), Charusat Campus, Changa, Taluka: Petlad, Dist: Anand, Gujarat (India) 388 421.
2Senior Lecturer, Government Physiotherapy College, Civil Hospital Campus, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
3Lecturer, Shrimad Rajchandra College of Physiotherapy (SRCP), UkaTarsadia University (UTU), Maliba Campus, Bardoli-Mahuva Road, Tarsadi - 394 350, Tal: Mahuva, Dist: Surat, Gujarat, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Sweta Upadhyay


Background: Tennis elbow is a work-related pain disorder of common extensor muscles, usually caused by excessive quick, repetitive movements of the wrist and forearm. These quick movements may rupture proximal attachment of long extensor muscles and cause local inflammation and pain. Progressive slow, repetitive strengthening of damaged attachment of wrist extensors so that it can better tolerate repetitive movements might be beneficial.
Objectives: To determine effects of progressive strengthening exercise programme and to compare effect of this intervention with conventional treatment (i.e. local pulsed ultrasound, deep transverse friction massage and stretching exercises) in relieving pain, improving functional disability and on maximal isometric grip strength in patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis.
Methods: Study included 30 patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis between ages 31-54 years. The subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups: Group-A and Group-B. They were treated for 6 weeks, 6 days a week once daily. Pain at rest was assessed by VAS, functional disability by PRTEE questionnaire and maximal isometric grip strength with Jamar dynamometer.
Results: Results showed significant improvement in VAS, maximal isometric grip strength and PRTEE questionnaire in both groups. Comparison of Group A and Group B was done with Wilcoxon Rank sum test and unpaired t-test. Group A showed significant improvement in VAS (P=0.0003), maximal isometric grip strength (P=0.0131) and PRTEE questionnaire (P=0.0025).
Conclusion: Progressive strengthening exercises along with conventional physiotherapy is more effective in relieving pain, improving functional disability and improving pain free maximal isometric grip strength than conventional physical therapy alone in patients having chronic lateral epicondylitis.

Key words: Chronic Lateral Epicondylitis, Progressive Strengthening Exercises, Maximal Isometric Grip Strength

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