International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: April | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 6-11

A Study on Socio Demographic and Fertility Characteristics of Ante Natal Women Attending Urban Health Clinics, In Slum Areas of Hyderabad

Desham Chelimela1, Nazia Tabassum1, B. Kiranmai2

1Post Graduates, 2Professor,
Community Medicine Department, Osmania Medical College, Koti, Hyderabad.

Corresponding Author: Desham Chelimela


Background: In any community mothers and children constitute a priority group. The problems affecting the health of mother and child are multifactorial. This study which was done in urban slums of Hyderabad, facilitates to understand the demographic and fertility characteristics of ante natal mothers so that planning of policies and delivery of health care services can be done effectively
Sample size: 200, Systematic random sampling was done in antenatal mothers attending urban family welfare clinics, associated with Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad.
Results: Child marriages are rampant in this modern era too. Teenage pregnancy which might affect the reproductive health of the women was observed in 44% of the cases. 33% of the women were more inclined towards 3 or more children in a family. There was a strong desire for male child in the community and thus were opting for sex determination. Patriarchal customs like funeral fire application, family lineage, gotras etc along with unscientific beliefs and practices are acting as hindrance for the achievement of balanced sex ratio in India.
Conclusions: Awareness and wide publicity on the desirable family size, decreasing child sex ratio is to be given to general population. Strict enforcement of various laws has to be done. Measures should be taken to address various customs and beliefs which are harmful to girl child.

Key words: fertility characteristics, family planning, gender preference, sex determination.

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