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Case Report

Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 403-407

Effectiveness of Gel Seat Cushion on Pressure Ulcer and Metabolic Cost in Traumatic Paraplegic Person Using Manual Wheelchair- A Case Report

Poly Ghosh1, Sukriti Kumari2, Dr. Ameed Equebal3, Dr. Prasanna Kumar Lenka4, Dr. Abhishek Biswas5

1Senior Professional Trainee, Department of Prosthetics & Orthotics, 2Professional Trainee, Department of Prosthetics & Orthotics,
3Assistant Director (Training) NILD, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 4Head of the Department (Dept. of Prosthetics & Orthotics), 5Director (NILD);
National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities (Divyangjan), Kolkata, India

Corresponding Author: Poly Ghosh


Traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) is one of the most devastating types of injuries. As there is no cure for TSCI, prevention is critical. Paraplegic patient prefers wheelchair as a primary means of mobility. Wheelchair propulsion is more efficient than walking for people with extensive paralysis. Spinal cord injury patients prefer wheelchair for ambulation due to less energy expenditure and safety and speed ambulation. But Pressure ulcers are an underestimated healthcare problem, particularly for individuals with spinal cord injury who uses wheelchair regularly. Prevention of pressure ulcers, therefore, has not been given the appropriate high priority. Manual foldable wheelchair does not provide sitting stability which may increase metabolic cost of ambulation. This case report represents effectiveness of gel cushion on pressure ulcer and metabolic cost.

Key words: Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury, Manual Foldable Wheelchair, Pressure Ulcer,

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