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Case Report

Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 399-402

Bipolar Mood Disorder and Concurrent Medical Multicomorbidity

Preethi Rebello1, Pavithra P. Rao1, K. Priya Nayak1, P. John Mathai2

1Senior Resident, 2Professor of Psychiatry,
Department of Psychiatry, Father Muller Medical College. Kankanady. Mangalore. 575002.

Corresponding Author: P. John Mathai


Management of comorbidity especially if they are multiple is one of the new challenges in clinical practice. In clinical psychiatry although psychiatric comorbidity is often diagnosed and managed appropriately the medical comorbidity is not often recognized, diagnosed, evaluated and treated. We are reporting a case of bipolar mood disorder with multiple concurrent medical comorbidity. This 60 year old patient is diagnosed to have Hypothyroidism, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Tardive Dyskinesia and Parkinson’s Disease in addition to Bipolar Mood Disorder. Management of the medical comorbidity and the difficulties and importance are briefly discussed.

Key words: Medical Comorbidity. Concurrent Comorbidity. Multicomorbidity.

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