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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 65-72

Electrocardiographic Changes in Patients with Seizure Disorder-A Hospital Based Study

Touseef Ahmad Mir1, Aadil Ashraf1, Ummer Jalali2, Mohmad Asif Jan3, Sabreena Qadri4, Yasir ahmad Mir5

1Senior Resident, Deptt. Of Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Srinagar.
2Senior Resident, Deptt. Of Medicine, SKIMS Medical College, Bemina
3Senior Resident, Deptt. Of Medicine, SKIMS Soura.
4Senior Resident, Deptt. Of Psychiatry, Govt. Medical College, Srinagar.
5Post Graduate, Department of Pediatrics, SKIMS Soura.

Corresponding Author: Aadil Ashraf


Objective: To study the clinical and electrocardiographic changes in patients with seizure disorder and to find the relationship between seizure disorder and electrocardiographic abnormality, if any.
Methods: We analyzed 206 patients with seizures in whom pre-ictal electrocardiogram was available for comparison with post-ictal electrocardiogram. Arrhythmias, repolarization abnormalities, and PR and QTc intervals were determined for pre-ictal and post-ictal periods.
Results: The most common abnormality was sinus tachycardia (heart rate>100bpm) which was present in 160 patients (77.7%) followed by sinus arrhythmia in 19 patients (9.2%). CHB and bifascicular block remained in 9 patients each. APD’s were present in 18 patients (8.7%), VPD’s in 6 patients (2.9%). RBBB was present in 11 patients (5.3%), LBBB in 8 patients (3.9%), AF in 5 patients (2.4%), PSVT and T wave inversion in 1 patient each. ST segment elevation of 2mm was seen in 3 patients (1.5%) and ST segment depression in 4 patients (1.9%). The mean heart rate was 96.6 seconds and mean QTc interval was 396.4 seconds.
Conclusion: Cardiac rhythm and conduction abnormalities are common during seizures particularly if they are generalized and these abnormalities may contribute to SUDEP.

Key words: ECG in seizure disorder, SUDEP, conduction abnormality.

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