International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: December | Volume: 7 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 193-199

The Influence of Consumption Pattern 'Kapurung' Against Conditions of Fasting Blood Glucose, 2 Hours of Post Prandial Blood Glucose, and Physical Activity in Ages 35-55 Years in North Luwu District.
Nur Fauzia Asmi1, Burhanuddin Bahar2, Suryani As’ad3

1Graduate Student, 2,3Lecturer, 1,2Department of Nutrion, Department of Medical and Public Health,
Hasanuddin University, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10, PO Box 90245, Makassar, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Nur Fauzia Asmi


Background: Kapurung is a typical food of North Luwu which is consumed everyday and made from sago. Sago is a high carbohydrate source food, high fiber and low glycemic index.
Objectives: This study aims to determine the effect of consumption pattern kapurung on fasting blood glucose (GDP), 2 hours of post prandial blood glucose (GD2JPP) and female physical activity in ages 35-55 years in the majority group to consume sago and minority groups to consume sago.
Materials and Methods: This study used an observational research design with cross-sectional method in the majority population consuming sago and minority consuming sago based on several inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria in this study were healthy (not / undiagnosed by doctors suffering from DM), aged 35-55 years and living in North Luwu, settled in Luwu Utara for at least 10 years. Data were analyzed using the Mann Whitney test.
Result: The results showed that there was no significant difference in GDP between kapurung consuming and minority consuming kapurung (p = 0.519) and significant difference of GD2JPP between the majority of kapurung consumption and minority of kapurung consumption (p = 0.000). The majority of people consuming kapurung with physical activity having a lower GD2JPP score of 81.44 mg / dl compared with low physical activity was 116.03 mg / dl (p = 0.020). Whereas minority societies consuming kapurung have no significant relationship between physical activity to GDP (p = 0.527) and GD2JPP (p = 0.453). There is a difference in fat intake, KH, v it. C and zinc significant between the majority and minority kapurung group of 0.020; 0.000; 0.009; 0.000.

Conclusion: The pattern of kapurung consumption can help to control sugar while 2 hours of post prandial if it can be done with moderate physical activity.

Key words: kapurung, sago, GDP, GD2JPP, physical activity.

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