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Original Research Article

Year: 2023 | Month: June | Volume: 13 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 286-292

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20230646

Prevalence of Neck Flexion Angle in Smartphone Users Due to the Effect of Posture and Duration of Smartphone Usage

Madura Potdar1, Dr. Pranav Bhosle2, Mamata Ingle3

1,3Intern of Nanded Physiotherapy College & Research Centre, MUHS University, Nanded, India.
2Associate Professor at Musculoskeletal department, Nanded Physiotherapy College & Research Centre, MUHS University, Nanded, India

Corresponding Author: Madura Potdar


BACKGROUND: Smartphone users are at higher risk of musculoskeletal problems like forward head posture and turtle neck posture. So, neck pain is a common problem in people using smartphones. Much of the musculoskeletal problems are due to the duration of smartphone usage and the posture taken while using smartphones. For E.G., smartphone tasks require users to stare sharply downwards or to hold their arms out in front to read the screen, which causes head to move forward and causes an excessive anterior curve in lower cervical vertebrae and excessive posterior curve in upper thoracic vertebrae and which places a stress on the cervical curve.
AIM: Prevalence of neck pain in smartphone users due to effect of posture and duration on neck flexion angle.
Number of subjects – 100
Test – craniovertebral angle
Questionnaire – smartphone addiction scale (SAS)
RESULT: result of this study shows that out of 100 subjects ,by taking craniovertebral angle in range of 30-40 % cva was 39.5,in range of 40-50% cva was 47.9,in range of 50-60% cva was 51.5 on first day and after five days ,in range of 30-40 % cva was 38.5 ,in range of 40-50% cva was 41.5 ,in range of 50-60% cva was 55.6.By taking (SAS) Smartphone addiction scale on first day , grade 1 – 1.9%,grade 2 – 10 %,grade 3 – 20 % ,grade 4 – 30 % ,grade 5 – 18 %,grade 6 – 11 %.And on fifth day the values were as follows ,grade 1 -0 % ,grade 2 -0% ,grade 3 -25 %,grade4 – 18 %,grade 5 – 44 %,grade 6 – 38 %.
CONCLUSION: This study concluded that a significant number of people experienced neck pain and forward head posture was observed in smartphone users due to the effect of posture and duration on neck flexion angle.

Key words: Craniovertebral angle, neck pain, forward head posture, smartphone usage

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