International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2022 | Month: March | Volume: 12 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 212-217

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20220330

Awareness among Women Regarding Musculoskeletal Disorders and Role of Physical Activity

Mahima Rajeshbhai Modi1, Amit M. Patel2

1Second Year MPT Student, JG College of Physiotherapy, Ahmedabad
2Senior Lecturer & PG Guide (MPT-Orthopaedics), JG College of Physiotherapy, JG Campus of Excellence, Opp. Gulab Tower, Off. Sola Road, Ahmedabad-380061

Corresponding Author: Mahima R. Modi


Background: Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain is very common in both developed and developing countries with estimate of prevalence ranging from 11-60%. In India, prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) was 60% to 100% in selected housewives. Women are also at high risk of developing MSDs as they also do several works at home or working place or at both in which many works include high repetitions, awkward posture, strenuous activity. So, many extrinsic and intrinsic factors combine together and results in MSDs. Movement associated with a structured and planned type of physical activity i.e. exercise, increases an individual’s strength, flexibility, and endurance, which eventually improves postural control, the capacity to resist muscle fatigue, muscle recuperation time, and everyday performance. Physical fitness and exercise have been recommended for lowering WRMSD risk and to improve muscular capabilities and efficiency.
Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to find out awareness among Indian women regarding the MSDs and role of Physical activity.
Method: The study design was a cross-sectional study. A self-administered questionnaire was prepared, it consisted of 12 questions. Questionnaire was disseminated to women through online communication system with attached link. 100 women (age group 20-50years) took part in the survey. The data was analyzed by using Microsoft Excel 2019.
Results: From the 100 respondents 41 were housewives and 59 were working women.  Awareness among women on MSDs was 68% and about role of Physical activity was 85.75%.80% women were doing regular 20-30minutes physical activity.
Conclusion: More than half of women were aware about MSDs where as in good amount women having knowledge about the role of Physical activity. Result showed that awareness among housewives compare to working women is poor to fair and good amount of working women think that physical activity can prevent MSDs and are performing physical activity on daily basis as compare to housewives.

Key words: Awareness, Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), Physical activity, Women.

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