International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2021 | Month: June | Volume: 11 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 39-46

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20210607

Pulmonary Function Impairment among Stone Cutting Workers in North Gujarat

Vidhya Solanki1, Karishma Barot2, Priyanka Chaudhari3, Krupa Soni4

1-3Tutor, 4Assistant Professor, Nootan College of Physiotherapy, Sankalchand Patel university, Visnagar, Gujarat, India 384 315

Corresponding Author: Vidhya Solanki


Background: Pulmonary problems are a major cause of morbidity & mortality all over the world. It has been found that lung functions are mostly affected in workers exposed to affect majorly in granite, marble, various other rocks and sand dust exposed workers.
Objective:The primary objective of the study was to find out the prevalence of pulmonary function impairment among stone cutting workers at various construction sites in North Gujarat and the secondary objective was to find the effectiveness of Physiotherapy measures among those workers.
Methods: A total of 408 male stone cutting worker participated in this study around various construction sites in the vicinity of North Gujarat from September to December 2019.  After assessing pulmonary function tests, workers with impairment were treated with Deep breathing exercise and advice personal protective measures like face masks, cession of smoking and water spraying before cutting.
Results: The data was collected from all the stone cutting workers. The average age was 31.43 ± 9.18 years and the average duration of work experience as stone cutter was 12.32± 6.11. A total of 50.24 % participant complaints of chronic cough, 10.29% of chest pain and 31.61% of participants reported wheezes. Data Analysis showed after 3 months of Physiotherapeutic intervention there was significant difference in FEV1 FVC and FEV1/FVC.
Conclusion:The present study shows that there was a high prevalence of pulmonary functions impairment among stone cutting worker in North Gujarat and Physiotherapy measures can be used as an adjacent to minimize this problem.

Key words: Stone cutting workers, Pulmonary Function impairment, Pulmonary Function test, North Gujarat.

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