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Case Report

Year: 2021 | Month: May | Volume: 11 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 206-209

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20210532

Pulmonary Koch in 4 Months Old: Congenital or Acquired?

Priyasha Tripathi1, Surendra Singh Raghuwanshi2

1,2 Senior Resident, Department of Paediatrics, Atalbihari Vajpayee Govt Medical College Vidisha (M.P.)

Corresponding Author: Priyasha Tripathi


4 months old female child presented to us with complaints of fever, cough, cold, and poor weight gain. On examination the child had failure to thrive (weight 2.75kg, length 52cms, head circumference 35cms, weight for length <-3SD), cachexic look, severe respiratory distress (bilateral chest retractions and nasal flaring), hepatosplenomegaly, delayed milestones with low birth weight (2.07kg), continuous low grade fever. Mother was an open case of pulmonary Koch, taking antitubercular treatment since 6 months. Investigations revealed anemia, neutrophilia with reactive CRP, raised transaminases, pulmonary fibrosis and cavitary lesions in chest x-ray with normal CSF examination. Mantoux was reactive with gastric aspirate and cerebrospinal fluid negative for TB bacilli in GeneXpert. So the question arises, is it congenital or acquired?

Key words: congenital TB, hepatosplenomegaly, respiratory distress, failure to thrive.

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