International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2021 | Month: February | Volume: 11 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 207-213

Precipitate Labour Frequency, Risk Factors and Complication in Patients Delivering at Dr Sulaiman Alhabib Hospital Sweidi

Saima Najam1, Hina Shams Solangi2, Syeda Umm-ul Baneen Naqvi3, Syeda Ifra Hassan4, Shameem Farzana5, Sumayya Malik6, Sobia Sheikh7, Saima Saeed8

1Head of the OBGYN Department, BSC, MBBS, FCPS (PK), PGCert Med (UK), Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital, Riyadh 12944, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2,5,8 Consultant OBGYN, 6,7Specialist OBGYN, Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital, Riyadh 12944, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
3Consultant Pediatrics, Neonatal Intensive care unit,
4Voluntary Worker, Student of IGSCE, Manarat Al Riyadh International School, Riyadh

Corresponding Author: Saima Najam


Background: Precipitate labour is a vaginal delivery which occurs within 3 hours after onset of labour, there is limited data available on risk factors associated with precipitate labour, while some data suggests it is associated with certain complications.  
Objective: This study was aimed to know the frequency of precipitate labour, risk factors associated with precipitate labour and its related complications in local population.
Material and methods: We conducted a prospective study, in which we enrolled eligible pregnant female and they were asked about risk factors on admission to labour and delivery ward, these females were observed for duration of labour and its related complications at Dr Sulaiman Alhabib Hospital Sweidi, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for 6 months of period (First May 2019 till 31ST October 2019).
Results: The total number of patients delivered in the study duration was 1018 and out of which 132 patients developed precipitate labour. Hence, the frequency of precipitate labour in the current study was calculated as 12.9%. The family history of the precipitate labor is identified as a significant risk factor in group A, its prevalence was 32.5% (n=43) and 18% (n=24) in group A and group B respectively. Among the herbs the Cinnamon is the only herb found to have statistically significant association with the precipitate labor, With prevalence of 19.6 % (n=26) in group A and 10.6 % (n=14). Post-partum hemorrhage was the most common complication observed in the study group; however, the difference was not found statistically significant. Conclusion: The frequency of the precipitate labor in the study group was calculated as 12.9%. Cinnamon and Family history of the precipitate labor was the most significant risk factor identified in the study group. No significant complication was observed in patients having precipitate labor in the current study.

Key words: Risk factors, Precipitate labour, Complications, Abruptio- Placentae, Postpartum hemorrhage, Herbs.

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