International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2021 | Month: January | Volume: 11 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 261-264

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Nursing Students towards COVID - 19: A Cross Sectional Study

Sharad B. Pandit1, Rahul B. Pandit2

1Institute of Nursing Education, Sir. J. J. Hospital, Byculla, Mumbai
2B. J. Government Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune.

Corresponding Author: Rahul B. Pandit


Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an ongoing pandemic, for which appropriate infection prevention and control measures need to be adopted. To facilitate the management of the pandemic, it is essential to understand the level of attention on COVID 19.  Nurse’s infection control measures are affected by their knowledge, attitude and practices towards COVID 19. The aim of this study was to assess the Knowledge, attitude and practices of nursing students towards COVID 19.
Methods: A cross sectional web based survey method was adopted for present study. The study comprised of 150 nursing students of selected nursing colleges. The survey questionnaire was used to collect the knowledge, attitude and practices towards COVID 19.  Convenience sampling technique was used for data collection. Formal permission was obtained from concerned authority for data collection. The analysis of the data was done by using descriptive statistics.
Result: The results showed that, 54.67% of nursing students were in the age group of 20 - 25 years and majority 62% were females. 56.67% of nursing students were studying in Basic B. Sc. Nursing course. 81.33% of nursing students had previous knowledge regarding COVID 19. Most of the nursing students 79.33% gained information from social media and 15.33% gained from family and friends. Mean knowledge score of nursing students towards COVID 19 was 11.74. Mean attitude and practices score of nursing students towards COVID 19 was 3.22 and 6.82 respectively. There was no significant association found between the findings with selected demographic variables among nursing students.
Conclusion: The study showed that about 68.67% of nursing students have excellent knowledge regarding COVID 19. Finding of the study suggest that, nursing students demonstrated excellent knowledge, good practices and positive attitude towards COVID 19 and will be a large reservoir for health care response when the need arises.

Key words: Knowledge, Practices, Attitude, COVID, Nursing students.

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