International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2021 | Month: January | Volume: 11 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 214-218

Food Safety Behaviour, Hygiene and Sanitary Practices of Street Food Vendors

Kirti C Mishrikoti1, Asha G2

1MSc Food and Nutrition, Smt VHD Central Institute of Home Science (Autonomous), Department of Food and Nutrition and Research centre, Seshadri Road, Bengaluru -560001
2Assistant Professor Smt VHD Central Institute of Home Science (Autonomous), Department of Food and Nutrition and Research centre, Seshadri Road, Bengaluru -560001

Corresponding Author: Kirti C Mishrikoti


Street food vendor is commonly defined as a person who offers food for sale to the public without a permanent built-up structure but with a temporary static structure or mobile stall. Street food vendors have a very poor social and health profile. This study is mainly to investigate the food safety knowledge and the hygienic and sanitary practices of street food vendors mainly in Hubballi-Dharwad city, Karnataka, India. This study used random sampling technique of survey with a target population of 100 street food vendors. Data was collected using self-structured questionnaire and was analyzed by using chi-square and percentage method. Results show that majority (79%) were male, belongs to the middle age group between 31-40 years. Majority of the vendors were married (64%) and were completed their primary education. Majority had been in the business for less than 3 years. About 74% of the vendors engaged in business to earn a good income. By considering overall aspects majority (more than 70%) of the respondents were not practicing the actions. The study concludes that street food vendors are mainly have a great knowledge towards all the aspects that is mainly about food safety and personal hygiene profile, but they are not practicing it properly.

Key words: street food vendor, knowledge, food safety, personal hygiene profile, practices.

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