International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2020 | Month: August | Volume: 10 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 167-174

Evaluation of Frailty among Geriatric Patients in Residents of Aged Care Homes in District Headquarters Using Groningen Frailty Indicator

Jemshy Jolly, Satish S, Shabaraya AR

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Valachil, Mangalore

Corresponding Author: Jemshy Jolly


Aging is a slowly progressive as well as a continuous process of natural event that starts from early adulthood. In elderly many bodily functions begins to change. WHO defines ‘old age’ as a ‘group of 60 or above’. Many complications of aging can results in frailty. Therefore, Frailty can be defined as a clinical state with an increased rise in individual’s vulnerability to develop a negative health related event which can be a disability, hospitalizations, institutionalization and death when exposed to various stress of exogenous or endogenic origin.
The intent of the study was to evaluate frailty among geriatric population using GFI (Groningen frailty indicator). A cross-sectional study was carried out for a period of six months among residents of aged care homes in Kasaragod. Patients, both males and females of 60 years of age, with at least one chronic illness were included in the study. The study draws the conclusion that out of100 participants, 12 were considered to be completely disabled with a GFI score of less than 4 suggesting a totally confined to bed status.
The prevalence of being frail among elderly population seems to be higher when there occurs a sudden decline in principle care from the family. Therefore evaluation of frailty among the geriatric populations using suitable tools will help in developing individualized effective therapeutic interventions.

Key words: Elderly, Geriatrics, Frailty, GFI, Interventions

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