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Original Research Article

Year: 2020 | Month: August | Volume: 10 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 157-166

Efficacy of Gopyadi Ghrita Matra Basti in Parikarthika vis-a-vis Fissure-in-ano: A Randomized Single Group Clinical Study

Srinivasa G P1, Mamatha H M2

1PG Scholar, 2Professor and HOD,
Department of Shalya Tantra, Ashwini Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Tumkur, Karnataka.

Corresponding Author: Srinivasa G P


The disease Parikarthika is presented withKarthanavatPeedana in gudapradesha as the main symptom. Parikarthika is not explained as an independent disease in Ayurveda. It is explained as a Vyapath of Vamana-Virechanaand Basti by both Charaka and SusrutaAcharyas. Parikarthika can be correlated to Fissure-in-Ano, based on signs and symptoms. Fissure -in-Ano is a condition characterised by excruciating pain, bleeding per rectum during and after defecation. The common cause is trauma due to passage of hard stools. Fissure-in-Ano is a medico-surgical condition. Medical treatment for Fissure includes Oral analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs stool softeners, topical anesthetics, inj. Botulinum toxin and soothing agents, sitz bath and proper diet. Surgical management includes Lord’s dilations, Sphincterotomy, Fissurectomy and Anal advancement flap surgery. All the conventional management has several drawbacks and side-effects. Commonly seen surgical complications are Infection and Abscess formation. Most of the contemporary treatment modalities are expensive and needs long stay in hospital. In AyurvedaAcharyas have explained the use of Madhura, Snigdha, SheetaDravyas internally as well as locally in the form of PicchaBasthi, MadhuraKashaya DravyaSiddhaBasti, Yashtimadhutailabasti, etc. The current study tries to explain the efficacy of GopyadiGhrita administered as MatraBastiin Parikartika viv-a-vis Fissure-in-Ano.

Key words: Parikarthika, Fissure-in-Ano, Gopyadi Gritha, Matra Basti.

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