International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2020 | Month: May | Volume: 10 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 197-202

Physical Activity Status of School Teachers of Pune City in an Education Society: Analysis Using GPAQ and EBBS

Atiya A Shaikh1, Radhika Hatolkar2

1PhD Scholar, KEM Mumbai, Assistant Professor, DES Brijlal Jindal College of Physiotherapy, Pune
2Intern, DES Brijlal Jindal College of Physiotherapy, Pune

Corresponding Author: Radhika Hatolkar


Objectives- To collect information related to level of physical activity in school teachers in Deccan Education Society school teachers in Pune city.
Methodology- 189 teachers with minimum of 1 yr of teaching experience from various schools were asked about their level of physical activity using GPAQ (Global Physical Activity Questionnaire) and EBBS (Perceived Benefits and Barriers to Exercise scale) . Data was analysed using descriptive statistics.
Results- 50% participants were Inactive, 48% were Low physically active and 2%were moderately physically active. 35-44 age group is the most active age group (69% Active).They were most active in travel domain. Although active and inactive teachers perceived similar barriers, active teacher perceived more facilitators as compared to inactive teachers. Common barriers were, exercise places are too far away and timings being inconvenient(62%.56%) and common facilitators were, I enjoy exercise, -I will live longer if I exercise, Exercise improves the way my body looks(90%,88%,88%)
Conclusion-According to WHO criteria may school teachers fell into inactive or low active group. Most common were distance, inconvenient timings and facilitators were, exercise being enjoyable, a way enhance longevity and physique.

Key words: Physical activity status, school teacher, GPAQ, EBBS

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