International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2020 | Month: May | Volume: 10 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 64-70

Assessment of Influence of Menopause on Quality of Life and Eating Behaviour in Pre, Peri and Post Menopausal School Teachers (41-60 Years) in Urban Bengaluru

P. Esther Caroline1, A. Sundaravalli2

1MSc. Student, Food Science and Nutrition, Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, Affiliated to Bengaluru Central University.
2Associate Professor and Head, Department of Home Science, Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, Affiliated to Bengaluru Central University.

Corresponding Author: P. Esther Caroline


Background: Teaching is being considered as one of the noblest profession since ancient times. Women above the age of 40 years’ experience menopausal transition, which is a stage characterized by increased variability in menstrual cycle lengths until permanent amenorrhea occurs. In India there are very few studies and findings on influence of menopausal symptoms in teachers on various aspects. Thus, the study will help to understand the influence of menopause on teachers’ eating behaviour and quality of life.
Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 180 female teachers aged between 41 – 60 years in the pre, peri and post status of menopause at private aided school in Urban Bengaluru. Data was collected using predesigned questionnaire along with standardized questionnaires such as Menopause Rating Scale, Adult Eating Behaviour and WHO – BREF through purposive random sampling technique. The collected data was analysed using SPSS v 24o for Post Hoc test, ANOVA and a p value of less than 0.01 and 0.05 which was considered to be statistically significant.
Results: The study showed that the average age at menopause was 49 years. Pre, peri and post-menopausal teachers mean BMI was 25.88 + 3.676 and mean Waist Hip Ratio was 0.85 + 0.052 which indicated overweight. Results stated that eating behaviour of all the status of menopause of respondents had a significant (p<0.01) impact on quality of life. Premenopausal women had high significance score (p< 0.01) which indicated that they had better quality of life compared to the other two status of menopause. The menopause rating scale does not impact the eating behaviour (p> 0.05). There was a significant difference (p<0.01) observed in the impact of Menopause symptoms on the Quality of Life. 

Conclusion: The study concludes that respondents with varying status of menopause had association with menopause symptoms and quality of life but insignificant association with eating behaviour.

Key words: Menopause, Menopause Rating Scale, Adult Eating Behaviour and Quality of Life.

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